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OCT Intercontinental Hotel Shenzhen · Children’s Joyful Growth Center by Atelier MIC

本文由 麦稞文化创意 授权mooool发表,欢迎转发,禁止以mooool编辑版本转载。 Thanks Atelier MIC for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by Atelier MIC. 麦稞文化创意: 深圳华侨城洲际大酒店,原为五星级商务酒店。依托酒店自身的强势资源,我们植入“奇趣乌托邦”主题,以大航海时代冒险故事为背景,西班牙超现实艺术为视觉元素,运营诉求为内容设计依据,将原有的酒店室内配套,如餐厅、亲子房,以及户外景观升级打造成为现在的“奇趣乌托邦”欢乐成长中心,局部改造的业态叠加,将原有的商务酒店升级成为了城央一站式遛娃目的地。 Atelier MIC: Intercontinental Hotel Shenzhen, originally a five-star business hotel, has leveraged its strong resources to establish the “Wonderland Utopia” theme, with a focus on the adventurous stories of the Age of Exploration and Spanish Surrealistic art as visual elements. The operational focus is on content design, and existing hotel facilities such as restaurants, parent-child rooms, and outdoor landscaping,which have been upgraded to become the “Wonderland Utopia” Happy Growth Center. Through the addition of various entertainment and activity options, the hotel has been transformed from a business hotel to a one-stop family destination in the city center. ▽项目视频 Video 01 I P主题场景化构建 IP theme-based scene construction 场景由室内鹦鹉螺号俱乐部,户外星月国度的游玩场地,以及深空舱室主题亲子房组成,从一艘“鹦鹉螺号”寻找“乌托邦”的航海冒险之旅开启的故事线构建每一个场景。 The scene consists of an indoor Nautilus club, an outdoor Starry Skyland playground, and a group of deep space cabin-themed parent-child rooms. Each scene is built around a storyline that kicks off from a nautical adventure to search for “Utopia” aboard a “Nautilus”. ▽大鸟瞰 Bird View ▽总平面图 General plan 鹦鹉螺号俱乐部 The Nautilus Club 鹦鹉螺号的“主船舱”是750㎡的儿童俱乐部,由水吧台、亲子餐厅、派对屋、绘本阅读区、探险游乐区、烘焙手作区等体验区组成。我们从航海中获得造型的灵感,在儿童俱乐部中加入了水手帽、方向舵、船锚、海上的大嘴鸟等元素。 The “main cabin” of the Nautilus is a 750 square meter children’s club, consisting of various experience zones such as a water bar, parent-child restaurant, party room, picture book reading area, adventure play area, and DIY baking area. Inspired by the nautical journey, we have incorporated elements such as sailor hats, rudders, anchors, and sea birds into the children’s club. ▽室内轴测图 Indoor axonometry 孩子们首先会经过神似水手帽的、摆放着琳琅满目甜品点心的水吧台,进入船舱中的儿童探险空间。 Children will first pass by the water bar resembling a sailor’s hat with a variety of delicious dessert treats, and enter the children’s adventure space in the cabin. ▽吧台(新旧对比)Bar counter ▽吧台区域 Bar area 大嘴鸟海洋球池,模拟海上甲板,船只的甲板上矗立着一只大怪鸟,侦查着周围的变动。小探险家们可以通过秘密通道,进入高空隧道和小空间站,抵达海洋球池,还可从大嘴鸟喙中滑下来。 The “Big Bird” Ocean Ball Pool features a simulated sea deck, with a big monster bird standing on the deck of the ship to detect changes around it. Little explorers can access the high-altitude tunnel and small space station through a secret passage and reach the ocean ball pool, where they can slide down from the beak of the big bird. ▽大嘴鸟海洋池子Big Bill bird ocean ball pool ▽玩耍通道 Play access 烘培区,提供小探险家们制作小点心,他们可以发挥自己的想象力,制作个人的“补给装备”。 The baking area provides little explorers with the opportunity to make small treats, where they can use their imagination to create their own personal “supply equipment”. ▽烘培区 Baking area 亲子餐厅,提取了船舱的元素,例如设备、仪表、船舵等装饰,为小探险家们提供一个“深海”用餐的沉浸氛围。 The parent-child restaurant extracts elements of the ship’s cabin, such as equipment, instruments, and steering wheels, to provide a immersive atmosphere for little explorers to experience a “deep sea” dining experience. ▽亲子餐厅(新旧对比)Parent-child restaurant (Contrast between old and new) ▽亲子餐厅Parent-child restaurant 绘本阅读区,提供小探险家们阅读,分享绘本故事,还可与其他小伙伴们来一场益智游戏,展开各种游戏活动。 The picture book reading area provides little explorers with the opportunity to read and share picture books, as well as play educational games and engage in various game activities with other little friends. ▽绘本阅读区Picture book reading area 星月国度 Starry Skyland 星月国度为户外游乐区域,共4000㎡,由迷宫花园、梦网丛林、星月秘境组成。 迷宫花园 Labyrinth  Garden 迷宫花园的创作灵感来源于西班牙超现实主义画家米罗最著名的作品之一《花园The Garden》。一片片蜿蜒的曲线墙造型灵感来自米罗画中的蚯蚓,与镶嵌了彩色玻璃的圆形遮阳顶棚给花园打造出特色的迷宫氛围。 The Starry Skyland is an outdoor play area covering a total area of 4000 square meters. It consists of three themed zones: the Labyrinth Garden, the Dream Network Jungle, and the Starry Secret Realm. The creation inspiration of the Labyrinth Garden comes from one of the most famous works of the Spanish surrealist painter Miro, “The Garden”. The curved walls are inspired by earthworms in Miro’s paintings, and the circular stained glass-embedded awning creates a unique and atmospheric maze effect for the garden. ▽迷宫花园(新旧对比)Labyrinth  Garden(Contrast between old and new) ▽迷宫花园Labyrinth  Garden 其间我们设计了高矮攀爬屋、探险秘境、绿丘穿越、互动万花筒和哈哈镜球、跑跳草丘和蹦床、探索玩耍墙等充满童趣的丰富互动游玩内容。 Among these we designed a variety of interactive and playful activities for children, including a tall and short climbing house, an adventure maze, a crossing of green hills, an interactive kaleidoscope and mirror ball, a grassy hill and trampoline for running and jumping, and a wall for exploring and playing. ▽迷宫游玩 Play experience in Labyrinth  Garden 也可以在色彩和图案的世界中穿梭,探索哈哈镜球、互动万花筒、视幻转盘等游戏,来一次有趣的视觉冒险。 One can also shuttle between the world of colors and patterns and explore games such as mirror balls, kaleidoscopes, and spinning disks for a fun visual adventure. ▽互动万花筒 Interactive kaleidoscope ▽互动翻转球&视幻转盘 Play experience in Labyrinth 小探险家们可以在迷宫花园中各式路径穿行,沿着丘地和围墙,“翻山越岭”、在高矮攀爬屋中进行“飞檐走壁”的攀爬、穿越、钻洞、滑行等冒险幻想,体验各种平衡和高度挑战。 Little explorers can navigate through the various paths of the Labyrinth Garden, climb, slide, crawl, and zip line their way over and under obstacles, and experience the thrill of balancing and heights challenges as they make their way through the maze. ▽迷宫户外outdoor of Labyrinth  Garden 梦网丛林 Dream Network Jungle 梦网丛林在保护现状茂密林木的基础上,增添具有自然和野趣风格的游玩体验;其中丛林中最大的综合游玩装置怪鸟树屋的创作灵感来源于西班牙色彩绚丽的食蜂鸟;除此之外,我们还在丛林中的探险路径上设置了摇晃跳盘、平衡挑战、森林木屋、星状梦网、摇床秋千、彩色跳石、丛林树阵等适合不同年龄段孩子玩耍的原创游戏装置。 The Dream Network Jungle adds a natural and wild style of play experience to the existing lush greenery. The biggest integrated play installation in the jungle, the Tree House of the Weird Bird, was inspired by the colorful Bee-eater bird in Spain. In addition, we have set up original play equipment such as shaking jumping discs, balance challenges, forest huts, star-shaped dream nets, rocking swings, colorful bouncing stones, and jungle tree formations in the adventure trail of the jungle that are suitable for children of different age groups to play. ▽梦网丛林(新旧对比)Dream Net Jungle(Contrast between old and new) 小探险家们要探索丛林的惊喜,需要进行入口的攀爬弹跳平衡大挑战,随着关卡的难度一步步增加; Little explorers need to undergo a challenging climb, jump, and balance test at the entrance of the Dream Net Jungle as they set out to discover the surprises it holds. The difficulty of the levels gradually increases as they progress. ▽平衡木 Balance Bar ▽梅花桩 Plum pile Balance Bar 在丛林深处有一只巨大的怪鸟正在等待小探险家们的造访——怪鸟的尾巴是主要的进出口,鸟身内藏有攀爬梯,可登高到观景平台一览丛林全景;鸟的左翅化身为攀爬挑战组合和爬网,右翅化身为高低滑梯,怪鸟头部和身体通过隧道连接,成为一个小小的私密游戏屋。 At the heart of the Dream Net Jungle, a huge and mysterious bird awaits the arrival of little explorers. Its tail serves as the main entrance and exit, while its body hides the climbing ladder that leads up to a viewing platform, offering panoramic jungle views. The bird’s left wing transforms into a climbing challenge and net crawl, while its right wing becomes a high-low slide. A tunnel connects the bird’s head and body, creating a private game room for little ones. ▽巨型怪鸟gif Weird Bird theme play ▽怪鸟玩法 Weird Bird theme play 穿过怪鸟,在丛林的更深处便是怪鸟设下的星状梦网,梦网形成高低起伏,当中夹杂着数个障碍球,给攀爬增加了难度和乐趣。爬累了,还可以直接躺在网上休息,放空欣赏天空中云朵的千变万化,编织属于自己的想象。 Beyond the Weird Bird, at the deeper part of the Dream Net Jungle, lies the Star-shaped Dream Net set up by the Weird Bird. The Dream Net forms undulating patterns, interspersed with several obstacle balls, adding difficulty and fun to the climbing experience. When climb gets tiring, one can simply lie down on the net to rest, gazing up at the ever-changing clouds in the sky and weaving their own imaginary stories. ▽星状梦网 Dream Net 星月秘境 Starry Secret Realm 在西班牙的画作里经常会出现太阳、月亮、星星元素,无处不体现他们对天文的热爱。我们提取星月元素,将原有的小教堂改造而成的星月屋和前广场改造新增的星月木马组成完整的“星月秘境”,形成一个光怪陆离的超现实梦境。 In Spanish paintings, the elements of the sun, moon, and stars often appear, reflecting their love for astronomy. We have extracted these celestial elements and transformed the existing small chapel into the Starry house, and added a Starry horse to the front square to create a complete “Starry Secret Realm”. This installation takes visitors on a whimsical and surreal dream journey. ▽星月木马(新旧对比)Starry house(Contrast between old and new) ▽星月木马Starry house 星月木马充满了想象。首先,是以12个梦境为灵感,制作了12个风格各异的座椅,没有具体设定,想象它是什么,它就是是什么;其次,在12个座位下分成了3个主要色系的组团,提供3种不同的骑乘体验;再者利用木马现有的机械动态作为动力源,在座椅上方做连接杆,形成一片星河,当木马转动杆件晃动时,会有小星星一起起伏,以此增加木马的趣味性。 The Starry horse is full of imagination. Firstly, it is inspired by 12 dreamlike scenarios, and features 12 seat styles with different themes. These seats do not have a specific setting and can be imagined as anything. Secondly, the 12 seats are divided into three main color groups, providing three different riding experiences. Additionally, the existing mechanical motion of the wooden horse is used as a power source, and connecting rods are placed above the seats to create a starry sky. When the wooden horse rotates and the rods sway, small stars will rise and fall with them, creating a magical and dreamlike experience, and increasing the fun of the wooden horse. ▽星月秘境分析图Analysis diagram of Starry Secret Realm ▽星月木马夜景效果Night view of Starry Secret Realm 除了造型以外,座椅设计上同时也考虑到满足更多亲子和小朋友之间的互动和乘坐体验。看似抽象的元素座椅中,分成了全敞开单人座、双人半包裹座、单双人带靠背座椅,可同时容纳30多位小朋友乘骑。 In addition to its styling, the seat design also takes into account the interaction and riding experience between parents and children. The seemingly abstract seat elements are divided into fully open single seats, semi-enclosed double seats, and single and double seats with backrests, which can accommodate more than 30 children at the same time. ▽座椅分析图Analysis diagram of the seats ▽星月木马gif Starry carousel ▽星月木马组图 Starry carousel 星月屋(原教堂改造)中则植入了能量提取站(多媒体交互空间)、梦境展示台(作品陈列)、梦境墙(可组装创作墙面)、移动式积木车、地面拼搭区和活动区、以及其他辅助配套功能等,鼓励孩子们自己动手创造、拼搭自己的梦境,从而激发他们的想象力。 The Starry house (formerly a church that has been transformed) features energy extraction stations (multimedia interactive spaces), dream display platforms (work exhibition areas), dream walls (assemble-and-create walls), mobile block cars, floor building areas and activity zones, as well as other supporting functions. It encourages children to use their imagination and create their own dream world through hands-on building and playing activities. ▽星月屋(前后对比图)Starry house(Contrast between old and new) ▽星月屋 Starry house 深空舱室主题亲子房 Deep Space Capsule-Themed Parent-Child Room 在集齐为“鹦鹉螺号”续航的“能源”后,小探险家们回到鹦鹉螺号的“深空舱室”进行休憩。 11间“深空舱室”亲子客房在船舱和深海奇遇的主题下,保留了原有酒店的硬装结构,仅对墙地面及软装、家具、装饰灯进行主题性更换和植入,并考虑充满童趣的小型儿童玩耍和睡眠区、以适配亲子客房功能;依据原有房型的特点,共设计了3间沉浸式豪华亲子房和8个标准亲子间。 After assembling the “energy” needed to power the “Nautilus,” the little explorers return to the “Deep Space Capsule Room” on board the Nautilus to rest. Eleven “Deep Space Capsule Room” parent-child guest rooms are designed with a focus on the themes of ship cabins and deep sea adventures, while retaining the original hotel’s hard decoration structure. Only the walls, floors, and soft furnishings are thematically replaced and implanted, with consideration given to including small children’s play and sleeping areas to accommodate the parent-child guest rooms. Based on the characteristics of the original room types, three immersive luxury parent-child rooms and eight standard parent-child rooms are designed. ▽亲子房(前后对比图)Parent-child rooms (Contrast between old and new) ▽亲子房Parent-child rooms

OCT Intercontinental Hotel Shenzhen · Children’s Joyful Growth Center by Atelier MIC

02 IP主题视觉体系搭建 IP-themed Visual System Development 为了形成完整的视觉体验,我们围绕“奇趣乌托邦”,从主题、故事、视觉VI衍生到场地、导视、器具等各个体验环境,以此构建完整的IP输出。 In order to create a complete visual experience, we have developed a themed, story-driven IP around “Wonderland Utopia”, extending from the theme, story, and visual VI to various experiential environments such as the venue, signage, and props. This approach is used to construct a complete IP output. ▽视觉体系Visual System Diagram 03 IP运营前置联合 IP Operating Pre-integration Alliance 设计伊始,联合运营团队(JOYGO 可乐果)对项目周围环境进行客群分析,并结合运营产品内容,包括手作、戏剧、团建等,并与亲子餐厅、户外游乐园和客房制定完整的“寻找心中的奇趣乌托邦”运营活动体验路线。 At the beginning of the design process, the JOYGO joint operating team conducted a customer analysis of the surrounding environment of the project, combined with the content of the operating products, including handmade, drama, team building, etc., and developed a complete “Searching for the Wonderful Utopia in Heart” operational activity experience route with parent-child restaurants, outdoor amusement parks, and guest rooms. 项目名称:华侨城洲际大酒店 · 儿童欢乐成长中心(改造项目) 委托单位:深圳华侨城大酒店有限公司 项目地点:广东,深圳 设计单位:麦稞文化创意(AtelierMic) 项目面积:6000㎡(儿童户外乐园、深圳华侨城洲际大酒店东翼的2111-2124十一间客房、法餐厅地面一层、教堂室内外区域) 设计时间:2022年 服务内容:硬装设计、软装与艺术品设计、室内外标识设计、室内外灯光设计、室内外游乐设备设计、景观设计 项目阶段:建造完成 项目团队 设计团队:边皓宁、黄迪、董晚璐、杨荔晖、吴伟、颜智敏、孙颖、刘丰迪、肖明峰、武升华 等 项目主持:吴计瑜、边皓宁 项目主创:边皓宁、黄迪 创意策划:吴计瑜、朱敏贤、JOYGO 可乐果 视觉设计:董晚璐、JOYGO 可乐果 施工图设计:黄晓民、朱宏森、任冰 等 运营团队:JOYGO 可乐果 摄影师:几点空间 Project Name:OCT Intercontinental Hotel Shenzhen · Children’s Joyful Growth Center (renovation project) Commissioning Unit: Shenzhen OCT Intercontinental Hotel Co., Ltd. Project location: Guangdong Province, Shenzhen City Design Studio: Atelier Mic Project area: 6,000 square meters (includes the children’s outdoor playground, rooms 2111-2124 on the east side of Shenzhen OCT Intercontinental Hotel, the first floor of the French restaurant, and the indoor and outdoor areas of the chapel) Design period: 2022 Service Content: Hard Decoration Design, Soft Decoration & Artwork Design, Indoor & Outdoor Signage Design, Indoor & Outdoor Lighting Design, Indoor & Outdoor Play Equipment Design, Landscape Design Project Phase: Construction Completed Project Team Design team: Bian Haoning, Huang Di, Dong Wanlu, Yang Lihui, Wu Wei, Yan Zhimin, Sun Ying, Liu Fengdi, Xiao Mingfeng, Wu Shenghua, and others. Project Host: Wu Jiyu, Bian Haoning Project Creator: Bian Haoning, Huang Di Creative Planning: Wu Jiyu, Zhu Minxian, JOYGO Visual Design: Dong Wanlu, JOYGO CAD Drawing Design: Huang Xiaomin, Zhu Hongsen, Ren Bing, and others. Operation Team: JOYGO Photographer: O’clock Studio “ 景观IP的主题场景化构建,打造沉浸式的“奇趣乌托邦”的主题游乐场,让孩子们在游玩中学会自主探险,欢乐成长。” 审稿编辑:Maggie 更多read more about:  麦稞文化创意
