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原创葡萄牙的"非营利性居留许可——D7 Visa Retired",了解一下!

★成为首席移民服务官特别读者: 点击上方第二个「首席移民服务官」→主页右上角“三个点”→设为星标 这是首席移民服务官的第140篇关于移民类别的原创文章。 北京大成(深圳)律师事务所——首席移民服务官的签约合作律所,即日起,如有发现原创文章,被洗稿,抄袭等侵权行为,必将追究其法律责任! There are now residence- and citizenship-by -investment programs in nearly 100 countries around the world, including more than 70% of EU member states. 目前,在全世界近100个国家,包括70%以上的欧盟成员国,都有通过投资获得居留权/公民身份的计划。 The D7 Visa allows the retired holders to obtain a residence permit in Portugal for a period of 1 year, which can be renewed for successive periods of 2 years and, after 5 years, the applicant may acquire the permanent residence permit. or Portuguese nationality. The D7 visa is a residence visa for retirees or holders of income who wish to live in Portugal. One of the necessary requirements is proof that the applicant has the minimum income provided for by law to enable him to reside in Portugal for a period of not less than 12 months, such as:* 1st adult (applicant): 100% of the current minimum wage (635€) = 7,620€/year; 2nd or more adults: 50% of the current minimum wage (318€) = 3,816€/year; Children and young people under 18 and over-dependent children: 30% of the current minimum wage (191€) = 2,292€/year. The procedure consists of two stages: the first with the Portuguese Consulate or Embassy of the country where the applicant resides and the second with the Foreign and Border Services (SEF) in Portugal. The D7 Visa allows the holder to obtain a residence permit in Portugal for a period of 1 year and can then be renewed for successive periods of 2 years and, after 5 years, the applicant may acquire the permanent residence permit or nationality. Portuguese The minimum stay in Portugal is 6 consecutive months or 8 interim months. Some of the advantages that a D7 visa holder can have are: Family reunification; Enjoy a qualified and affordable health system; Access to law and courts; Obtain the Non-Habitual Resident Status. Holders of the Non-Habitual Resident Status (NHR), for a period of ten consecutive years, are entitled:

原创葡萄牙的"非营利性居留许可——D7 Visa Retired",了解一下!

Exemption of foreign income from pensions, dependent, self-employed, capital, property income and real estate gains, intellectual or industrial property; Taxation of income earned in Portugal at reduced rates if they engage in high value-added activities (eg 20% for dependent or self-employed income and 28% for capital and property income). If you would like to know more about the D7 visa or other ways to obtain residence in Portugal, please contact us. * updated with the entry into force of the minimum wage for 2020 which rose to € 635. 申请人可以通过申请退休签证获得葡萄牙居留身份 办理模式:退休签出签后,客户需持此签证登陆葡萄牙,可将该签证更换为时长为1年的居留卡 续签&转永居:后期通过1+2+2的方式续签,5年后可以成功转永居或者入籍拿到欧洲身份 葡萄牙退休签证申请条件—— 1、申请人年龄45周岁以上,并提供退休证明。 2、需提供在葡住宿证明(可协助提供租房合同)。 3、提供足额的生活保障金:20万人民币/每人,可提供存款证明。 4、满足每月约6000人民币以上的固定收入。 5、无犯罪记录。 6、购买一年期的旅游保险。 7、购买一年期葡萄牙私立保险。 葡萄牙退休签证申请条件续签要求—— 1、在葡萄牙居住至少4个月以上。 2、无犯罪记录。 3、继续满足首次申请时的条件 转葡萄牙永居要求—— 1、持有葡萄牙居留卡满五年。 2、五年期间每年在葡居住时间超过半年。 3、无犯罪记录。 4、达到葡语A2的水平。 对于葡萄牙身份,目前国内大部分客户关注的还是35/50万欧元购房项目,因为更简单更高效,没有很多的限制性条件,说白了能出得起购房款,身份基本无忧! ARTICLE 90-A – RESIDENCE PERMIT FOR INVESTMENT PURPOSES 官网网址链接——https://imigrante.sef.pt/en/solicitar/residir/art90-a/ RIGHTS AND DUTIES OF A RESIDENCE PERMIT HOLDER 葡萄牙居留许可身份的权力与义务 详情请自行参考网址链接——https://imigrante.sef.pt/en/direitos-deveres/ Without prejudice to any special provisions, a residence permit holder is implicitly entitled to: Family reunification Education and study Undertaking remunerated employment Pursuing activities as a self-employed Professional Professional guidance, training, improvement and redeveloping Health care Access to the law and justice 对于投资入籍/居留计划的选择,我们建议秉持"不选贵的,只选合适的"原则,毕竟合适的,或许是最好的! 护 照,一 个 万 能 的 存 在 ! 一、加勒比海地区 圣基茨和尼维斯投资入籍计划 安提瓜和巴布达投资入籍计划 格林纳达投资入籍计划 多米尼克投资入籍计划 圣卢西亚投资入籍计划 二、大洋洲: 瓦努阿图投资入籍计划 三、欧盟成员国: 塞浦路斯投资入籍计划 马耳他投资入籍计划 保加利亚投资入籍计划* 四、欧洲地区: 土耳其投资入籍计划(由于历史等原因,土耳其一直自认为是欧洲国家!) 黑山投资入籍计划 (黑山入籍项目正式推出,开启了你加入欧盟国籍的蹊径!) 摩尔多瓦投资入籍计划**(关停状态!) 免责声明:本文仅作为知识分享,所包含的内容均不构成对中华人民共和国境内外之个人或机构的任何投资建议/或任何项目要约/或要约邀请。本文涉及的信息、数据均来源于公开资料,鉴于信息搜集与发布环境复杂与诸多不确定因素,故"首席移民服务官"对内容的准确性与完整性不做任何承诺与保障。由于不同的假设及算法可能导致报告中所包含的分析结果出现重大不同,故报告中内容和意见仅供参考。过往表现不代表未来业绩,投资可能带来本金损失,望投资者谨慎投资。涉及的网络转载内容,如原作者见到后认为不妥,请告知我们,我们会立即删除并表示歉意。原创内容未经"首席移民服务官"同意,不得随意转载。 责任编辑:
