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社招 | 法国巴黎银行(BNP Paribas)招聘交易员(上海)

Trader JOB TYPE Permanent JOB FUNCTION Financial and technical expertise LEVEL OF EXPERIENCE 3 to 5 years LOCATION Shanghai, Shanghai, China

社招 | 法国巴黎银行(BNP Paribas)招聘交易员(上海)

REF: TRA001346 Job Deion: Provide pricing capacity for internal/external clients; manage mkt risk properly. Direct Responsibilities • Buy and sell a defined range of instruments ﴾as per desk mandate﴿ for our clients and take positions on behalf of the Bank within defined limits to facilitate client business. • Provide market liquidity through market making in a defined range of instruments ﴾as per desk mandate﴿ and limits; put in place hedging if appropriate. • Monitor market news and events and evaluate the risk and opportunities for positions and strategy • Closely follow‐up the counterparty risk and any potential excess of credit line all market risks and any limit excess. BOOKING: • Ensure all pre‐trade requirements are conducted. ﴾credit lines check in particular﴿ • Ensure that all transactions are timely and accurately booked in appropriate trade capture systems. • Ensure that all transactions are timely sent to middle office and/or back office. INDEX CONTRIBUTION: • Responsible for submission of public indexes as approved under the Index Acceptance Committee ﴾IAC﴿ with the condition that it is authorized in the mandates, as recorded in FORMA and in accordance with the relevant internal guidelines / requirements /procedures / key responsibilities and external / regulatory requirements / code Submitters and Reviewers as well as their respective back‐ups of the contributions are expected to comply strictly with the Group policy regarding their professional standards, as well as their duty to support the market integrity ﴾Group Code of Conduct principals﴿. They are to comply with all local requirements prescribed by the Authority on such contributions. • Any attempts to manipulate submissions are subject to the disciplinary procedures, sanctions according the Group policies • Bonds end of day bonds marking can be used for Iboxx contribution PNL • Contribute to the daily P&L at the close of the day and facilitate its confirmation by Middle‐Office. • Prepare a P&L explain each day and escalate any unexplained elements to desk head for sign off. • Provide management with accurate information to analyze the P&L structure • Monitor the level of broker fees ensure their relevance vis a vis the current market practice and desk activity • Work closely with the procurement group and Middle Office to minimize broker and custodian fees Contributions Booking • Work with operational support functions to facilitate and monitor the settlement process. • Respond swiftly to any issues escalated from MO and BO staff COMMUNICATION, TEAMWORK and TRAINING • Maintain fluid communication with other front office teams. • Keep all Business Partners in the loop of major organization change that may impact the soundness of operations. • Help Business Partners understand business priorities and requirements. • Contribute to the continuous improvement of process and systems. • Inform management of any major operational incidents, specific risks arising or P&L potential damage. • Attend relevant regulatory and product/skill training and keep up‐to‐date with market issues. Contributing Responsibilities COMPLIANCE AND RISK MANAGEMENT • Comply with regulatory, contractual and internal authorized framework. • Contribute to the implementation of operational permanent control policies and procedures in day-to-day business activities, such as Control Plan • Work closely with compliance and legal in handling counterpart or exchanges complaints. • Request a New Activity Committee to be held whenever required Held a Transaction Approval Process ﴾TAC﴿ is whenever required or involve risk, compliance or LTMG when a transaction present an unusual risk. • Report swiftly all operational incidents to Trading Business Management. • Actively contribute to the risk identification and control framework reinforcement by suggesting new procedures, evolution of existing ones, of new risk indicators. • Direct contribution to BNP Paribas operational permanent control framework • Working with sales colleagues, play a role in developing new and innovative products and services to meet client requirements. Develop the skills of traders. • Contribute to the development, with sales and trading management, of relevant sales and trading policies. • Co‐ordinate and encourage the effective interaction of trading teams with appropriate operational and risk areas, for example market risk and compliance. • Working with trading management facilitate effective interaction between sales and execution areas. • Encourage and monitor attendance of direct reports at relevant regulatory and product/skills based training. • Encourage and maintain effective open communication with all direct reports • Contribute to the reporting of all incidents according to the Incident Management System • Ensure audit recommendations are resolved within the specific timeline. • Endeavor to ensure the quality of the Bank's portfolio remains sound and healthy • Comply with regulatory requirements and internal guidelines Job Requirement: Market, Products & Business ‐ Is genuinely interested in financial markets and continually learning and staying abreast of new developments. Is able to evidence a good appreciation of economics and market dynamics, with enough understanding to present views on market conditions and trends Business Risks ‐ Understands the market, credit, operational, compliance, legal and reputational risks of his/her activity. Evidenced as a good sense of risk/return analysis for business areas covered Corporative and team player; good in communication; Respect of rules; Good analytical skill and strong curiosity in data/market and reasoning Primary Location: CN-31-Shanghai Job Type: Standard / Permanent Job: FINANCIAL AND TECHNICAL EXPERTISE Education Level: Not indicated Experience Level: At least 3 years Reference: TRA001346 应聘方式与信息来源 https://group.bnpparibas/en/careers/job-offer/trader-19 * 烦请方便时标注信息来源于“上辈子是hr”公众号,谢谢! 过往重磅(上下滑动可见更多): 浦银理财 | 越秀产业基金 | Fullerton | 苏州银行 | 交通银行 | 摩根士丹利证券 | 兴业证券 | Goldman Sachs | 中国机械工业集团 | DB | 中铁物资集团 | 广发证券 | 银河证券 | 中银国际证券 | 中金公司 | 京东 | 华泰证券 | 交通银行 | 中邮基金 | JP Morgan | 兴业银行 | Morgan Stanley | AIIB | 兴业资产管理 | 华夏银行 | 蚂蚁集团 | 上海国际集团 | 浙商证券研究所 | 海通证券资管 | 泰康公募基金 | Franklin Templeton | Barclays | 中信投资控股 | 中国银行 | AllianceBerstain | DB | Barings | 银河证券 | 民生银行 | 摩根大通证券 | DBS | 光大银行 | 中信金融租赁 | 南方基金 | PIMCO | 中债信用增进 | 天弘基金 | Blackstone | 苏州银行 | CICC | Fidelity | AllianceBernstein | 西南证券 | 国家电投集团 | ABRDN | Temasek | 汇添富基金 | 光大理财 | BlackRock | 建设银行 | BNP Paribas | World Bank | Schroders | 中广核新能源 | 浦发银行 | 中国金谷国际信托 | 华泰证券 | 野村东方国际证券 | 华夏理财 | 万家基金 | Morgan Stanley | 中金公司 | NDB | 西部证券 | AIIB | 国家中小企业发展基金 | 中欧基金 | 申万宏源承销保荐 | 诚通资产 | 蚂蚁集团 | 中铁国际集团 | 申万菱信基金 | 京东 | 申万宏源证券 | 景顺长城基金 | Mapletree | 兴银理财 | 上海生物医药基金 | 人行清算总中心 | 中化学资产管理 | 国民养老保险 | De Beers | 云南国际信托 | 广发基金 | 艾方资产 | 浦发银行 | 东方电气投资 | 中证金融研究院 | 北京金融控股集团 | 中国电气装备 | 招商局通商融资租赁 | 首钢财务公司 | 华泰证券 | 招商证券 | BlackRock CCB | 上海股权托管交易中心 | 中国银河资产 | 上海市联合征信 | 上海联交所 | 兴业银行 | 腾讯 | World Bank | 南方基金 | 招商局 | 建设银行 | KERING | BlackRock FMC | 中泰证券 | Millennium | Schroders | 兴业证券 | 野村东方国际证券 | 银河证券 | 德邦基金 | 南方基金 | 申万宏源证券 | 财通基金 | 中金公司 | Citi | 国泰基金 | Deutsche Bank | Fidelity | 蚂蚁集团 | 丝路基金 | SVB | 中国华电资本 | 吉富创投 | 申万宏源证券 | LSEG | 国华能源投资 | 民生证券 | BlackRock | 财通证券 | 华泰证券 | 嘉实基金 | 华福证券 | 商务部 | 北京化学工业集团 | 平安银行总行 | 中欧基金 | 招商银行 | 中金公司 | 国金证券 | 中电国际 | BlackRock FMC | 中国农业银行 | 浦发银行 | 信达资产 | 中银证券 | 摩根士丹利华鑫基金 | 中石化资本 | 国寿投资保险资管 | 东方证券承销保荐 | 深圳国有百亿金融集团 | 泰康资产 | 东方证券 | 华泰证券 | 国网英大 | 富国基金 | 申万宏源证券 | 国开国际控股 | 商务部 | 中再集团 | 华夏银行 | 开源证券 | 交银理财 | 建设银行 | 国电投资本 | 上海农商银行 | 中国盐业 | NDB | 国都证券 | World Bank | 华龙证券 | 中国银行 | 蚂蚁集团 | 申万宏源证券 | UBS | AllianceBernstein | BlackRock FMC | 银河证券 | 广州银行 | 兴银理财 | Lazard | 网联清算 | 中信建投证券 | 中邮证券资管 | 国寿健康产业投资 | 国泰君安证券 | UBS | 中国融通资产管理 | 国泰君安证券研究所 | 国家电投集团基金 | 浦银安盛基金 | 泰康 | 国家发改委 | Siemens Energy Venture | 中金公司 | 中电建基金 | 东方电气 | 国联证券 | BlackRock CCB | 北京资产管理 | 中交集团 | BCG | AIIB | 华泰证券 | Oliver Wyman | 京东 | 财通证券 | 光大金瓯资产 | 招商银行 | 浙商证券 | 上海清算所 | BlackRock | 上海联交所 | 滴滴出行 | 中国兵器装备集团 | 华泰证券 | 中国再保险 | Morgan Stanley | 中欧基金 | 西部证券 | Goldman Sachs | 腾讯 | 南方工业资产管理 | 越秀产业基金 | LSEG | BlackRock | 上海数据交易所 | 中信金融租赁 | NDB | Credit Suisse | Intel | 浦发银行 | 东方证券 | 鑫元基金 | Wellington Management | 广发证券 | 申万宏源证券 | 浦银安盛基金 | Morgan Stanley | 惠升基金 | 摩根大通证券 | 东亚前海证券 | 汇添富基金 | 中金财富 | 兴业基金 | Lazard | 招商证券 | 海富通基金 | 京能同鑫 | 东海基金 | 汇添富基金 | 华润资本 | 上海农商银行 | 北京银行 | 国泰君安 | 中船财务 | 中国人民银行 | 银河证券 | Baillie Gifford | 德邦证券 | 兴证投资 | 天弘基金 | Blackstone | 嘉实基金 | 中金公司 | 人保资本 | BlackRock | 中邮保险 | 招商证券 | 中核产业基金 | 综艺控股 | 人保资产 | Fidelity | 德邦基金 | 网易 | BCG | 湖南三湘银行 | 易方达基金 | 上海农商银行 | Mapletree | 外汇交易中心 | 国投资本 | 众安保险 | 国金证券资管 | Cambridge Associates | 国海证券 | 中国电气装备总部 | 泰康资产 | 上海银行 | 野村东方国际证券 | Baillie Gifford | 加华资本 | Goldman Sachs | 银河证券 | SCB | 国家能源集团 | 国家发改委 | 航天科工资管 | Swire | 平安银行 | Oliver Wyman | 东北证券 | 泰康资产 | HSBC | 国华兴益资管 | 汇丰前海证券 | 浙商银行 | 中银国际证券 | 苏银理财 | Credit Suisse | 兴业证券 | 浦银安盛基金 | AIIB | Morgan Stanley | 洪泰基金 | 财通证券 | BlackRock | 华泰证券 | 民生银行 | 平安银行 | 招商证券 | 国海证券 | 东吴证券 | 中金公司 | 西部证券 | 汇添富基金 | 光大理财 | BNP Pariba s | 兴业证券 | 首创证券 | 新华基金 | 申万宏源证券 | Blackstone | 中邮证券 | 滴滴出行 | 广州期货交易所 | 华泰证券 | 百年保险资管 | 浦银安盛基金 | Lazard | 华润资本 | 国金证券资管 | 腾讯 | 中信金融租赁 | 中国上市公司协会 | NDB | 中银证券 | 东吴证券 | GIC | Amundi BOC | 上海证券交易所 | Invesco | 国家发改委 | Goldman Sachs | 南方基金 | Alliance Bernstein | BlackRock | SCB | 深圳证券交易所 | 国泰君安证券 | 建融投资咨询 | 中金公司 | 爱建证券 | 光大证券 | 小红书 | 申万宏源证券 | 中邮证券 | 中信建投证券 | 华泰证券 | AIIB | 光大证券 | 发改委 | 中金公司 | 中保投资 | McKinsey | Lazard | 中金公司 | 银河证券 | 申万菱信基金 | 腾讯 | 中邮创业基金 | 证监会稽查总队 | 天弘基金 | 滴滴出行 | 安联保险资管 | 兴证资管 | Bain | 民生加银基金 | 南方资本 | 申万宏源资管 | 中国保险保障基金 | Amundi BOC | 博道基金 | 中核资本 | 中信建投证券 | 中加基金 | 申万宏源证券 | 中核产业基金 | 泰康资产 | 中银证券 | 天风证券 | 广发证券 | GIC | 中石化资本 | EY Parthenon | Morgan Stanley | PwC | 中金公司 | 民生银行 | 汇丰前海证券 | Mapletree | AIIB | 国金证券 | 招商证券 | 腾讯 | 中邮证券 | 京东 | UBS | 股转公司 | BlackRock | 国家能源集团资本控股 | Standard Chartered | 华夏理财 | 广州银行 | 民生银行 | 中电建铁路建设投资 | PIMCO | 华泰证券资管 | 申万宏源证券 | Morgan Stanley RMB Fund | 申万宏源证券 | 中信保诚基金 | 国元证券 | McKinsey | 上 海农商银行 | Natixis | 中金公司 | 东方证券 | 中欧基金 | Citi | 国泰君安国际 | Shangri-La | 中国银河投资 | Franklin Templeton | NDB | BCG | 华泰证券 | 招商证券 | Intesa Sanpolo | 浙商银行 | 招商证券 | 东方资产 | MSREI | 兴业证券 | BNP Paribas | 泰康资产 | 华安证券 | 野村东方国际证券 | 中交资本 | AIIB | 国务院发展研究中心 | 招商局集团 | 招商证券 | 国家发改委 | EY | 华泰证券 | BlackRock | 百度 | IFC | 银河证券 | 浙商银行 | 中基协 | 招商证券 | Fidelity | 华融证券 | 中国结算 | 兴证基金 | 腾讯 | 易方达 | 摩根大通证券 | 信银理财 | 交通银行 | Temasek | 高腾国际 | 申万宏源证券 | 泰康资产 | Accenture | 天弘基金 | 中石油昆仑资本 | Blackstone | Credit Suisse | 电信投资 | 光大信托 | 浦银理财 | Fullerton Fund | 国华投资 | BlackRock | 东方证券 | 稳博投资 | CICC | Morgan Stanley | Shell Ventures | 汇添富 | 安信证券 | 浅月资本 | 百年人寿 | LSEG | 兴投资本 | 财通基金 | 人保资产 | 中邮证券 | 全国社会保障基金理事会 | 人保资本 | 湾区产融 | 工银安盛资管 | BlackRock | 光大证券 | 野村东方 | 兴证资管 | 东吴基金 | 鹏华基金 | ADM | 民生银行 | 国民养老保险 | 腾讯 | 安信证券 | 泰康资产 | GIC | 金元顺安 | 海富通 | Partners Group | JP Morgan | 长城基金 | Macquarie | Goldman Sachs | 招商银行 | 国电投清洁能 源基金 | 国金证券 | 摩根士丹利华鑫基金 | 浦发银行 | AIIB | 百度 | 泰康 | 京东 | 广发证券 | Volvo | 天演资本 | SVB | Blackstone | NDB | 哈啰出行 | 光大证券 | 美团 | BCG | 华泰证券 | 平安证券 | 华融证券 | 国家电投 | 惠升基金 | Bain | BlackRock FMC | 中信建投证券 | CIC C | 中证金融研究院 | 上投摩根基金 | 招商证券 | 华夏银行 | 民生加银 | 新华基金 | 兴业基金 | 鹏扬基金 | ADB *更多职位请回复all查看历史信息 您是招聘方? 请使用公司邮箱,发送招聘信息至finjob@yeah.net,获取收费和排期信息。 * 请确认已获公司授权,避免产生合规性问题 责任编辑:
